Main Configuration
Below are all the settings that Stonecraft currently supports as a plugin.
As you can see, there's not much going on here. All the plugin is doing, is making sure that the underlying systems are configured in a consistent manner.
All the settings are optional, and you can override them if you want to.
All modSettings
// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
modSettings {
clientOptions {
additionalLines = mapOf<String, String>()
darkBackground = false
fov = 70
guiScale = 3
musicVolume = 1.0
narrator = false
generatedResources = project.layout.projectDirectory.dir("src/main/generated")
fabricClientJunitReportLocation = project.layout.buildDirectory.file("junit.xml")
fabricServerJunitReportLocation = project.layout.buildDirectory.file("junit.xml")
runDirectory = rootProject.layout.projectDirectory.dir("run")
testClientRunDirectory = rootProject.layout.projectDirectory.dir("run")
testServerRunDirectory = rootProject.layout.projectDirectory.dir("run")
variableReplacements = mapOf<String, Any>()